Join us in IDAHO GIVES!

We were created from an idea…

“How can we empower teen girls to be courageous and confident leaders?” By connecting with teen girls, parents, youth advocates, and community stakeholders, we learned that girls in our community want more opportunities to experience the vast wild places of Idaho and grow leadership skills for their future. Girls deserve opportunities to truly connect with themselves and others, to take on leadership roles, to experience outdoor adventure, and be their uniquely silly selves.

This is WHY we exist.

We have countless studies showing outdoor experiences increase self-confidence, increase focus and creativity, and reduce anxiety and depression. Girls that spend time outside have an improved body image and better mental and physical well-being. But only 35% of participants in outdoor activities, and 20% in mountain sports, are women. By middle school girls stop going outside. They stop being active. When researchers asked what is holding them back, women cite three reasons for not wanting to get outside: they don’t want to do it alone, they lack the confidence, and they lack the skills. We are working to provide a safe and inclusive community for girls to build their outdoor skills and their confidence to explore.

The Outdoors Inspires Women to Be Better Leaders

We believe in creating an Idaho where girls are able to access outdoor adventure, connect with their inner self, gain support in their personal growth, and emerge as courageous and confident female leaders. Our outdoor adventure programs for girls ages 12-18 provide engaging and supportive experiences to explore, grow, and lead. We are a girl-focused and girl-led organization, centering their voice in our decision-making to best meet the needs of teen girls in our community.

2023 Adventure Season Highlights

A $67 Donation

Introduces a girl to an outdoor adventure and a life time of confidence

